Tuesday, April 24, 2012

FTU Kit, a special, and CT call

So I have been working on a requested FTU kit. I am super excited to let you guys play with it.... but I need to finish it first!! Anyway, next month I will be having a month long special on my scrap kits. They will be 50% off all month long. It will start May 1st, and end May 31st.

Also I will be having a CT call here pretty soon (like sometime in the next week and a half or so), when I get a bit more organized. It will only be for 2 people until I get more kits out there.

A quick list of what I will be looking for in my CT when I do the call:

  • I am looking for quality tags and tuts.
  • I do expect the tag/tut to be done within a week of you receiving the kit.
That is all I can think of right off the top of my head. ^__^ If I think of anything else I will be sure to add it. Keep an eye out for all of this stuff!



Tut Writers, if you use my templates, word art, or scrap kits please link back to the blog for downloads. Thanks! All of my creations unless noted are for personal use only.

Please don't recreate my tags, or try to. They are not available for requests.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at killer.kitty.86@gmail.com
All templates are created by me, all tuts (if I do any) are written by me, all scrap kits are put together by me, all word art is typed out and arranged by me, and any similarities to other works are purely coincidental.

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